SDC Journal of Theoretical and Experimental Research (SDCJTER) provides a platform for scientists and academicians to share innovative ideas and information on emerging fields of Physics. This peer reviewed Journal encourages authors to publish research articles in the areas of Theoretical and Experimental fields of Physics including: Space physics, Plasma Physics, Astrophysical non linear dynamics, Quantum computation, Nano technology, etc. All submissions are reviewed by two scientists in the field. Only original articles will be accepted. The copyright of published papers will vest with the publisher.
Periodicity: Half yearly
Article types: Original Research articles
ISSN : 2583-9063
Subject: Inter-Disciplinary subjects
Language: English
Copyright: Sanatana Dharma College, Alappuzha
Subject Areas
Space Physics
Topics: Planetary plasma interactions, magnetosperic physics, planetary atmospheres, solar and interplanetary physics, heliosperic physics,solar wind, radiation belts, plasma physics, etc.
Quantum Computation
Topics: Quantum entanglement, quantum information theory, optical quantum information processing, quantum cryptography, etc.
Topics: Nanodevices, nano fabrication, nanomaterials, nanocatalysis, computational nanotechnology, nanoelectronics, graphene, quantum dots etc.